
秦蕊  /  

  • 职  称: 副研究员
  • 邮  编: 100190
  • 电子邮件: rui.qin@ia.ac.cn
  • 部门/实验室: 多模态人工智能系统全国重点实验室
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村东路95号自动化大厦






R. Qin, F. Y. Wang, X. Zheng, et al., Sora for computational social systems: From counterfactual experiments to artificiofactual experiments, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2024.3373928, 2024.
G. Wang, R. Qin, J. Li, et al., A novel DAO-based parallel enterprise management framework in Web3 era. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11(1): 839-848, 2024.
R. Qin, W. Ding, J. Li, et al. Web3-based decentralized autonomous organizations and operations: Architectures, models and mechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53(4): 2073-2082, 2023.
J. Li, R. Qin, S. Guan, et al., Blockchain intelligence: Intelligent blockchains for Web 3.0 and beyond, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2023.3348449, 2023.
F.-Y. Wang, R. Qin, X. Wang, B. Hu, MetaSocieties in Metaverse: MetaEconomics and MetaManagement for MetaEnterprises and MetaCities, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 9(1): 2-7, 2022.
秦蕊, 李娟娟, 王晓 等. NFT:基于区块链的非同质化通证及其应用. 智能科学与技术学报, 3(2): 234-242, 2021.(入选中国知网学术精要2022年10-11月高PCSI论文、高被引论文、高下载论文)
R. Qin, Y. Yuan, F.-Y. Wang, Optimal block withholding strategies for blockchain mining pools, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 709-717, 2020.
R. Qin, Y. Yuan, F.-Y. Wang, A novel hybrid share reporting strategy for blockchain miners in PPLNS pools, Decision Support Systems, 118: 91-101, 2019.
R. Qin, Y. Yuan, F.-Y. Wang, A Pareto optimal mechanism for demand-side platforms in real time bidding advertising markets, Information Sciences, 469: 119-140, 2018.
R. Qin, Y. Yuan, F.-Y. Wang, Exploring the optimal granularity for market segmentation in RTB advertising via computational experiment approach, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 24: 68-83, 2017.


IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Associate Editor(2020年至今) 智能科学与技术学报, 编委(2023年至今) 中国自动化学会区块链专委会,副主任(2018至今) 中国管理现代化学会平行管理专委会,秘书长(2023至今) 中国自动化学会平行控制与管理专委会,委员(2021年至今) 中国自动化学会女科技工作者工作委员会,委员(2021年至今)